What if you could be a fly on the wall at Thelonious Monk’s final recording sessions as leader? You can. Offering tremendous late-period performances, The London Collection Vol. 1 is nothing but Monk, improvisational, unhinged, and unrestrained. Alternating between established originals and familiar classics, the pianist weaves magic spells on the 88s, savoring pauses between notes, the decay of chords, and a fluid style that feels more welcome than some of his angular playing. Originally released by the UK label Black Lion, an imprint that specialized in resurrecting rare gems from US jazz and blues legends, The London Collection Vol. 1 marks what are indisputably Monk’s final significant contributions and a can’t-miss opportunity for collectors and enthusiasts to get closer to the man and his music. Orchestrated by ORG Music, this historical reissue is afforded the ultimate in audiophile production standards, resulting in sonics and presentation befitting the museum-like worth of this record’s existence.